Nawaka Africa Org

Helping Community


Our Story

Nawaka Africa  story of creativity, empowerment, and community. We believe that through artistic activities, we can help build stronger, more resilient communities and create positive change in the world.

Our story began with a group of women and youth in a disadvantaged area of Kenya who had a shared passion for creativity and art. They wanted to learn new skills and express themselves through Arts & crafts, fashion, music, dance, and drama, but lacked the resources and opportunities to do so.

In response, a group of local artists and  students from co-operative university came together to form a creative art enterprise. Their mission was to empower women and youth by providing training, resources, and opportunities to express themselves creatively and generate income.

With support from the local community and partnerships with other organizations, the Nawaka Africa creative art enterprise grew rapidly. The women and youth in the program learned new skills in bead making, crochect and kniting ,sewing, music, dance, and drama, and began producing beautiful, high-quality products such as recycled fabric baskets,  paper beads,eco-friendly fashion items, and handmade musical instruments.

The enterprise also started organizing events and performances, which allowed individuals to showcase their talents and skills to the community. These events helped to raise awareness of the program's mission and vision, and generated interest from other individuals and organizations who wanted to get involved.

Today, Nawaka Africa creative art enterprise continues to empower women and youth in disadvantaged areas of Kenya. We are proud of our achievements and the positive impact we have had on the lives of individuals in our programs. We continue to work hard to expand our reach and provide even more resources and opportunities to those in need.

Check out our work

Take a peek inside our Wonderworld

MQR Bikes

Commercial photography

Poetry moves

Arty projects

Wild rose

botanical photography

Mayo building

architecture photography